You will write your own personal learning outcomes for each DNP 896 course. Write between 3-5 personal learning outcomes and put them on the e-portfolio in column three along with the date. Write your personal learning outcomes in column two of this e- portfolio record. The personal learning outcomes are due the second week of the course. There is no grade for this submission. Your faculty will review the personal learning outcomes and provide you with feedback. You will be evaluated on meeting the personal leaning outcomes at the end of the semester when you submit the portfolio and associated documents. See examples in syllabus under portfolio assignment.
SMART Goals:
S: specific- this is the what, why, how
M: Measurable- tangible evidence that you will see, hear or feel when goal is reached
A: Achievable- this should be achievable but also should stretch you a bit
R: Relevant- does this align with your outcome and move you toward your goal?
T: Timely- identify a time frame when you will complete this goal
Here is a sample of the e portfolio (used with permission). Please color code the dates each semester, which helps differentiate at a quick glance what was accomplished which semester and what has been added to the portfolio.
You will write your own personal learning outcomes for each DNP 896 course.
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