You may choose a design, color or background that is appealing and professional, use the same design for the entire presentation and keep this format, remove red notes throughout.

You may choose a design, color or background that is appealing and professional, use the same design for the entire presentation and keep this format, remove red notes throughout.


Course Learning Outcomes


•Identify 2-3 Key learning outcomes from this course.


•These will be 2-3 bullets with 3-5 words each


•Add a graphic or photo to the right side of each slide so it does not overpower the narrative. Cite graphics or photos.


Figure 1






Program Learning Outcomes


•Identify 3-4 Key learning outcomes from this Program.


•These will be 3-4 bullets with 3-5 words each


•Add a graphic or photo to the right side of each slide so it does not overpower the narrative. Cite graphics or photos.


Faith Integration Influence


•Provide 2-3 points on how the faith integration component throughout the program affected you on a personal level and/or how has it influenced your leadership, goals, and/or plans




Action Items


•Identify if you plan on sharing your research with your organization & how/who you will present to


•What are your next steps in career/life using your degree?


Thank you!


References for Graphics


•Figure 1 (n.d.). Retrieved from: 


•Number the graphics figure 1, 2, 3, etc and reference each graphic here.




•Use a separate Reference page for in-text citations if included in the presentation..


•Do not include any reference if there is no citation in this presentation

You may choose a design, color or background that is appealing and professional, use the same design for the entire presentation and keep this format, remove red notes throughout.

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