You are the newly-hired CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You h


  1. Competency
    This competency will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned about effective business management by creating a presentation related to Business Management core concepts.
    • Evaluate core business functions and methodologies that support business growth.
    • Utilize leadership skills to influence organizational effectiveness.
    • Devise management strategies based on dynamic business environments.
    • Apply human-centered concepts to maximize engagement and relationships.
    • Evaluate the role business technology plays in making business decisions.
    • Interpret data to gain insights for business decisions.
    • Student Success Criteria
      View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

      You are the newly-hired CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You have been in this new role for 6 months. During that time, you have had an opportunity to analyze the business operations and assess the overall organizational effectiveness. It is now time for you to present your analysis and findings as it relates to core business functions and methodologies, organizational effectives, management strategies, employee engagement, business technologies, and data analysis.

      Prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you review your findings from the analysis of the business functions and operations of one of the following organizations: Johnson & Johnson, Gap, or Proctor & Gamble). In the presentation, you will:

    • Highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company’s core business functions.
    • Describe how managing diversity and inclusion can impact the organization.
    • Discuss how the lack of employee engagement and building strong relationships can impact the business.
    • Review multiple information sources to develop one recommendation strategy.
    • Provide a review of one emerging business technology to aid in implementation of your recommendation.
    • Develop a leadership action plan to implement your recommendation.
    • Resources have been provided to assist you in evaluating your selected organization. It is expected that along with the resources provided that you incorporate information from the readings, your research, and personal experience (using APA citations where appropriate).
      NOTE – Each slide should include speaker notes. Be sure to use APA citations where appropriate as well as proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

      Company information for Johnson & Johnson, Gap, or Proctor & Gamble:
      Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). .
      MarketLine. (2019). . 
      Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). .
      MarketLine. (2019). .
      Hoover’s Company Records. (2019). .
      MarketLine. (2019). .

    You are the newly-hired CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You h

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