Writing a short reflection about a 1 hour video.

Write a reflection on the event and submit this MS Word file to the Professional Development Dropbox. Detailed instructions and an example for the reflection are below. Remember to connect this professional development to HRM content.

The minimum word count is 200 words; the maximum word count is 300. Include your name and the word count in the header
Part 1: Summary (use this word as the heading). Summarize who/what/when/where. Describe who presented, when/where, what the topic(s) was/were, interesting facts or information, etc. Share an overview of how this event was related to the study and/or practice of human resource management (how was it relevant/useful).
Part 2: Go into depth about what you learned (at least two lessons or takeaways) related to HRM. Explain your insights, takeaways, or learnings. You will use a separate heading for each paragraph; choose a heading that fits the lesson/takeaway. Think critically and reflect on the information that was presented to learn something new and/or to plan how to use the information. Consider how this information relates to HRM and organizations. What is applicable to your life, career, etc. How will you use this lesson/takeaway (consider setting a SMART goal!) and what outcomes or results you expect to receive when you use it? Remember that a well-developed paragraph has at least 3-4 sentences! See the example below. Example Reflection:
SummaryThe IGNITE event on internships was very insightful. The facilitator, Dr. XYZ, shared tips for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, hiring, and termination. Some bad interview answers were shared, and I was surprised by how silly the mistakes seem, such as not directly answering the question. The STAR method (situation, task, action, and result) for responding was shared, too. The speaker told several personal stories related to hiring and termination.
Lesson #1When the speaker shared a story about botching a job interview, I learned that every moment of the interview is important. I will use this lesson in my life when I go for job interviews. I will practice several times with friends before I go to Career Services, and I will get comfortable being asked hard questions. My goal is to prepare for interviews by researching the company online and completing at least two mock interviews through Career Services within 2 months. If I apply myself and get better at interviewing, I can see myself landing a good internship.
Lesson #2Speaker XYZ described a personal story about a termination that resonated with me. One of my friends was fired via a text message, and I knew that was not professional. The speaker said she was terminated from her first “real” job without any warning or opportunities to improve. We have learned that best practices in HRM dictate that people should be counseled when they make mistakes at work, and the situation should be documented. In that meeting, the person is told how to improve his/her performance and what will happen if no improvement occurs. This experience reminded me why it is so important to document discussions about performance issues. I will document conversations with employees about performance, next steps, and consequences if improvement does not happen. A termination should never be a surprise.

Writing a short reflection about a 1 hour video.

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