write about your philosophy in teaching

TEACHING PHILOSOPHY MSN 720: FACILITATING LEARNING & LEARNER DEVELOPMENT IN NURSING EDUCATION Statement of Teaching Philosophy with Commentary MAI SALEM ALHARSAN MASTER DEGREE-NURSING EDUCATOR King Faisal University TEACHING PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY WITH COMMENTARY Introduction Teaching is a blessing, in my opinion, because those who are committed and dedicated to the growth and advancement of learners are given a gift that can never be taken away. A person’s education, for example, can never be lost or taken away, no matter how serious and terrible a robbery, divorce, poverty, or house fire may be. This permanent aspect of a person’s life is what allows them to make meaningful contributions to society regardless of their field of study, allows them to make a living, and hopefully allows them to give back by teaching others in some form. It is thus one of the highest honors to assist in the attainment of a person’s education and to encourage personal progress, which is obviously accompanied by enriched learning. In terms of my special role in how I intend to educate others, I feel it all essentially refers to strategically knowing how to fulfill the function of a facilitator while also comprehending the varied learning styles. As an educator, I think it is my role to clarify, explore, and deliver the essential material, as well as to offer my students with the skills and resources they need to implement and process the new information into meaningful knowledge that can be kept for future use. After all, students expect and deserve to work with friendly, enthusiastic teachers who will not only teach them, but also advise and encourage them throughout their nursing careers. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY In order to build the caring process for patients, nursing education, like any other component of education, requires values and beliefs such as kindness, empathy, care, and love for self and others. These principles are learned not only via reading but also through personal experiences, which is important given that the material of nursing is always changing and nursing students may struggle to connect theory to practice. As a result, nursing educators make every effort to develop a balance between theory and practice in order for students to grasp this connection. Furthermore, for teaching and learning processes that are connected with their profession, educators require a suitable teaching philosophy. There are numerous approaches for determining the importance of a teaching philosophy’s principles and beliefs. An accurate teaching philosophy can serve as a foundation for developing one’s own teaching philosophy. Nursing values are based on practice, recognizing the value of nursing, and influencing nurses’ behavior. Nurses are aware of principles that satisfy human needs for care as well as the diversity of societies and cultures. These values are demanded of nursing students throughout their studies. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Frameworks to Guide Values and Beliefs On the road to becoming a professional nurse, developing a personal nursing philosophy is critical for various reasons. Nursing philosophies are a comprehensive framework that offers direction, clarifies principles, and serves as a basis. You can determine how you engage with others in your field, as well as individuals and families, by developing your own nursing philosophy. It provides the nurse with the necessary basis to advocate for their patients, stand up for their profession, and create changes. In my teaching attempts, I strive to address vital educational components within a caring philosophical framework. Adult learning, active and collaborative learning, and culturally relevant education are some of these components. As a nurse educator, it is my responsibility to understand the fundamentals of adult learning and to train my students to offer effective, secure, ethical, and equitable care to all patients. As nurses evolve from students to professionals, this highlights the importance of nursing education and the enormous impact nurse educators have not only on their students but also on patients and the general public. Naturalistic Framework in Nursing Education like Dreyfus Model (Framework) in Clinical Education, in 2001, the American Council for Graduate Medical Education adopted the Dreyfus model (by Hubert Dreyfus) in clinical education in general. However, the Dreyfus model is more familiar to nursing educators rather than medicine Educators. The Dreyfus model is well known and very popular among naturalistic decision-making researchers. Furthermore, The Dreyfus model was integrated into six general competencies for physicians in preparation and training. In addition, the model became the foundation for accrediting American medical education programs. Medical and nursing educators adapted the Dreyfus Model in clinical education that spans the years of training. It assumes that skill is improved by developing through the model’s sequential stages, from novice (elementary) to mastery (advanced). TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Existentialistic Framework in Nursing Education as The ASSET Model: The Actioning Spirituality and Spiritual Care Education and Training in the nursing model (The ASSET) confirmed the importance of self-awareness in both nurses and patients for strengthening the therapeutic relationship. The ASSET includes the whole process of nursing from the assumptions to evaluation. It elaborates the required competencies in order to establish the relationship between nurses’ and patients’ spiritual basics. It interprets the relationship between the nurse and patient from a psychological and philosophical perspective rather than an ontological perspective. However, existential and biological perspectives of researchers were discussed in detail to bring a wider understanding to illustrate the concept of spirituality in the nursing education domain. The ASSET model was used for both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. Humanistic Framework in Nursing Education as The MAP-IT Model: The MAP-IT model is an Interprofessional education (IPE) program and initiatives that are created to improve the humanistic professional development of those who are working in academic health organizations. Generally, the application of an IPE framework to improve humanistic skills in clinical Education was effective. The qualitative themes such as humanism confirmed the main objective of the MAPIT program as an IPE initiative. The results support applying this model with concentrating on teaching professional and humanistic values. The MAP-IT program for both nurses and physician facilitator leaders was found to influence important individual-level outcomes, such as self-care and wellness. The MAP-IT is an effective intervention to successfully integrate interprofessional students and improve self-care skills. In brief, it is crucial to strengthen the humanistic core values of health care professionals to improve the quality of health care towards patients TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Approaches to Teaching Philosophy of nursing education is defined as “a statement that outlines a nurse’s values, ethics, and beliefs, as well as their motivation for being part of the profession. It covers a nurse’s perspective regarding their education, practice, and patient care ethics. A philosophy of nursing helps you identify the beliefs and theories that shape the choices you make on the job every day” There are two types of philosophy of nursing education; first, traditional philosophy such as idealism and naturalism. Second, modern contemporary philosophy such as existentialism and humanism. Traditional philosophy of education like Naturalism which is a theory that relates the scientific method to philosophy by affirming that all beings and events in the universe (whatever their inherent character may be) are. It is clear that feelings and emotional reactions are extremely essential for nursing students, they have a significant impact on students’ education and learning as well as their personal relationships. Idealism is also one of the traditional Philosophies which insist that Values and ethics of nursing education may change from an idealistic view of nursing where caring is the most important element. The idealistic views of nursing are correlated to the physical model of nursing. These idealistic views of nursing are related to the concept of caring, empathy, and influencing. They are essential for nursing students to enhance their views of their learning, practicing, and implementing. These idealistic views are relative to the concept of beliefs and they are developing over time in order to meet the needs of nursing students. There is progress in perceptions converted from lay beliefs to thinking of patients according to the phase of illness and the physical disorders. Views of nurses’ duties are converted from caring to describing the procedural skills and technical tasks. Therefore, Student nurse beliefs and conceptions of nurses’ duties change at the beginning of education after the first exposure to clinical training and between TEACHING PHILOSOPHY this first exposure and graduation. Consequently, the use of reason (head) of the novice student nurse in providing health care comes forth to replace providing health care from the emotion (heart) On the other hand, there is a Modern Contemporary Philosophy like Existentialism which is defined as “it believes that life is meaningless unless the individuals give meaning to it; human beings want to find the meaning of life and self-realization”. Existential knowledge supports experiential learning and helps students to apply theory in order to learn and practice through critical thinking. It also enhances nursing students’ understanding of the nature of nursing. In addition, Humanism Philosophy which defined as “a perspective in psychology (and the psychology of learning) that insists upon the totality of human existence as a free person who tries to maximize its capabilities”. Humanistic care indicates to the values and behaviors that care about patients’ desires, perceptions or responsibilities and they are reflected in particular actions of caring. It is necessary for human nature needs in order to meet these needs. Educator’s Beliefs about the Purpose of Nursing Education The beliefs of educators impact their strategy and method of learning. Nursing educators and students need to consider characteristics such as honesty, patience, modesty, and kindness in the process of professionalism. Furthermore, the nursing educator should pay attention to the spiritual aspect of students as a component of their competency. Students suppose that educators should have specialized knowledge and try to promote it to maintain their academic status in order to use the appropriate knowledge. Active participation of students in learning, and using new teaching approaches was considered as value in nursing education. Nurse educators who selfidentified as learner-centered were more likely to utilize Learner-Centered Teaching in the TEACHING PHILOSOPHY classroom. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate values and beliefs in nursing education through educators’ behaviors that ensure the future of nursing education and nursing practice. However, there are some issues and values taught by the unplanned approach. Taking into consideration the roles of educators as practical and behavioral models. They influence professional values in students’ performance by their own values and beliefs in order to prepare them for the future challenges. Nursing educators need to prioritize values to their beliefs about teaching. They, also, need to guide students, but not control in the light of their knowledge that came from their own beliefs and values. Educators can influence the experience of students. They should provide a strong foundation to shape positive learning experiences for nursing students. Consequently, the beliefs of nursing educators about the purpose of nursing education identify the appropriate knowledge that nursing educators use in their philosophy of nursing education as well as practicing of nursing education. Challenges (Values and Beliefs) of Nursing Education From traditional teaching methodologies to web-based clinical training, nursing education has seen significant shifts and transitions. They are seen as obstacles for nursing educators, and educators must be aware of these shifts and transitions. Considering technological advancements, nursing education is a dynamic field. Shortage of resources, curriculum, building and maintaining student connections, lack of preceptors, representation in faculty and training, salary discrepancy, and the inability to update knowledge and skills are just a few of the challenges that nursing educators confront. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY In my own perspective, humanism is the most appropriate approach in nursing education. Humanism improves self-reflection which supports the recognition of the value of clinical teaching and learning experiences and nursing practice. Moreover, humanism enhances the relationship and the interactions between learner and educator. Humanism includes values and behaviors that care about patients’ desires, perceptions, or responsibilities that are reflected in particular actions of caring. Humanistic models have shown their efficiency in nursing education, as mentioned above, such as the MAP-IT model which is an Interprofessional education program. The MAP-IT model focuses on teaching professional and humanistic values. It also influences self-care and wellness and improves the skills of self-care TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Conclusion Educators are now using Education Philosophy as a key marketing tool, and it has become an important part of a teacher’s resume. This has evolved into a section of the teacher’s personal profile, which includes a list of all of his vital skillsets, unique attributes, and specialties. It is important for me to grow and improve in order to be the best form of myself in both my professional and personal life. Philosophy in education attempts to improve people’s quality of life, humanity’s well-being, and future generations’ education. Educators must be an example to their students every day. They play a major and vital part in the lives of students as their development progresses, and students are important and valuable. Educators are in charge of deciding how to teach, what should be taught, and how to guide students on their journey. I believe we all come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives. Teachers should serve as mentors to pupils of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. My personal philosophy revolves around creating a climate in which all of my pupils feel at ease and can achieve greatness, no matter what the student’s background or way of life. . TEACHING PHILOSOPHY References Abou Hashish, E. A., & Ali Awad, N. H. (2019). Relationship between ethical ideology and moral judgment: Academic nurse educators’ perception. Nursing Ethics, 26(3), 845-858. Ali, G., Wattis, J., & Snowden, M. (2015). Why are spiritual aspects of care so hard to address in nursing education? a literature review (1993-2015). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies, 2(1), 7-31. Aliakbari, F., Parvin, N., Heidari, M., & Haghani, F. (2015). Learning theories application in nursing education. Journal of education and health promotion, 4. Boozaripour, M., Abbaszadeh, A., Shahriari, M., & Borhani, F. (2018). Ethical values in nurse education perceived by students and educators. Nursing ethics, 25(2), 253-263. Horsfall, J., Cleary, M., & Hunt, G. E. (2012). Developing a pedagogy for nursing teaching– learning. Nurse Education Today, 32(8), 930-933. Meng, R. (2019, August). Discussion on Humanistic Nursing Education based on Healthy China Strategy. In 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Education, Law and Social Sciences (IELSS 2019) (pp. 235-239). Atlantis Press. Poorchangizi, B., Borhani, F., Abbaszadeh, A., Mirzaee, M., & Farokhzadian, J. (2019). Professional values of nurses and nursing students: A comparative study. BMC medical education, 19(1), 1-7. RN Journal. (2021). Current and Future Educational Challenges for the Nurse Educator. Accessed on: 2/3/2022. Retrieved from: https://rn-journal.com/journal-of-nursing/educational-challengesin-nurse-education.

write about your philosophy in teaching

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