This is an individual assessment. You will write a research essay based on a review of relevant literature and the reflection of what is learned in class on one of the following topics:
Option 1: Discuss the digital transformation in ONE industry (e.g. retail, finance) and the implications of developing digital strategies (with reference to three digital strategies learned in class) for harnessing emerging innovation opportunities.
Option 2: Examine the challenges that long-established companies face in digital transformation and explain how they can overcome those challenges using digital strategy (with reference to three digital strategies learned in class).
Option 3: Analyse the challenges that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) encounter when undergoing digital transformation and explain how they can overcome those challenges using digital strategy (with reference to three digital strategies learned in class).
Your essay shall be structured, but not limited, as follows
Introduction: definitions and discussions of key concepts as well as a description of the essay structure.
Provide a critical analysis of relevant literature: this should identify and explain relevant theories, arguments and perspectives regarding the topic of your choice. You can take a specific position on the topic and discuss the literature to support, refute or demonstrate your position. Here you are free to create appropriate sub-section headings.
Discussion of the main challenges, problems and issues businesses face in relation to the chosen topic (or your specific position).
Conclusion: discussion of the overall coverage of the topic including emerging trends about the future.
Chose a topic that can demonstrate your understanding of the course
Locate relevant sources (databases, journals, books). You are expected to refer to refereed (peer reviewed) academic papers more so than websites.
Identify relevant literature (at least 10 relevant Journal articles. Start with the course references list to support your initial exploration of the themes, concepts and issues that may apply to the topic).
Analyse and synthesise the literature to produce an analytical essay that addresses not only “what” questions but also “why”, “how” and “in what sense” questions.
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