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It has often been said that, the whole Christian Church stands or falls based upon the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Given the nature of your studies this week in Christianity, compare and contrast the foundational issues at the center of this debate and academically defend your position as to whether you agree or disagree with the statement based upon the results of your research?
One of the unique aspects of Christianity is the fact that its doctrines, teachings, and beliefs are built upon the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as revealed through the writings found in the Holy Bible. Yet, over time and throughout the recent history of the Christian church, the nature and status of the Holy Bible has become the subject of great academic debate among scholars. The issue at the center of this debate is the long-held traditional viewpoint that the Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, OR the more contemporary belief that it is simply a great work of literature and myths communicating religious stories and are irrelevant in application to life today.
Based upon your studies and research this week on Christianity, compare and contrast these two positions and the arguments that support them. Then, academically defend ONE SIDE of this debate by clearly demonstrating your position as to why you believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God OR that of a great work of literature and myth communicating religious stories that are irrelevant in application to life today?
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