World Music Name_________________________ Study Guide: Introduction 1. How is each chapter of our textbook structured? 2. The idea that music is principally to be _________________ is a notion characteristic of Western Culture. 3. What is the Marriage of Figaro? ___________________________________________________ List three things about this piece of music that tells us something about the people of that time and place. 4. What does the fact that we consider Mozart a deity among composers tell us about todays American society? 5. What is meant by a relativistic view of music? 6. What is an example of a bimusical community? 7. We will be using Nettls Three-Part Model extensively in this course. What are the three parts of this model? 8. Think of a kind of music and/or music event you know, try to describe how the three-part model can be applied: 9. List the five universals of music: 10. What does this statement mean? Music is universal, but not a universal language. 11. What kinds of things cause music to change? 12. Describe the four primary classes of instruments (and the recent fifth) in the system developed by Hornbostel and Sachs, and give an example of each: 13. A society develops its music in accordance with the ________________ of its _______________. 14. What is fieldwork and who does it?
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