ID-300 Wilderness
Case Study Assignment
For this assignment you will construct a case study of the Cecil D. Andrus-White Clouds
wilderness area. Through this case study you will evaluate the creation of a wilderness area in
Idaho. You will use and build upon the knowledge you have acquired throughout the semester
while also relying on additional resources about the case to bolster your case study.
A case study is a method for researching the development of something – in this case a designated
wilderness area. A case study allows us to understand a particular process that can be used to make
future recommendations. This paper serves as your major research paper for this class and is worth
20% of your final grade in the class.
Your case study must contain the following components:
In the first section of your case study, you will introduce the reader to the Cecil D. Andrus-
White Clouds wilderness area. This is where you will offer the reader a preview of this case and
why it is important for understanding larger wilderness and public lands debates in the U.S.
In the second section of your case study, you will provide background regarding the creation of
the Cecil D. Andrus-White Clouds wilderness area. In this section you will:
If using an AI generator make sure to include at least one page on the importance of not plagiarizing
• Describe the history of this proposed wilderness area
• Explain how these lands were managed prior to wilderness designation
• Identify and describe the key stakeholders involved in this case
o Assess the values of the various stakeholders
• Discuss the goals of the groups involved in this case
Outcome of the case
In the third section of your case study, you will:
• Describe the eventual outcome of this case
• Address the compromises that came about for the various stakeholders (for example,
national monument status versus wilderness designation/the role of recreation/etc.)
Case evaluation
In the fourth section of the paper, you will evaluate the case. In this section you should:
• Evaluate the case by explaining your thoughts on the history and outcome of this
particular case
• Evaluate the sources that you used for this case (for example, how might certain
sources influence how we evaluate this case?) This will involve conducting
research on the sources you chose in order to evaluate these resources
Recommendations and reflection
In the last section of your study, you will:
• Offer additional recommendations that you have regarding the Cecil D. Andrus-White
Clouds wilderness areas or wilderness in Idaho more broadly
• Provide a short reflection about this case and how it may inform your thoughts on
similar cases that will likely arise in the future
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