Watch the following videos about an Argumentative Essay and Counterargument and Refutation

Watch the following videos about an Argumentative Essay and Counterargument and Refutation. Summarize both in two different paragraphs in no less than 150 words in each paragraph. You must explain the difference between counterargument and refutation. Do not attach your answers in a Word document or PDF. Just type your responses in the space given.

Make sure to cite the videos by clicking on share (under the videos) then by going to  and following these steps:

click on citation tools

then citation generator—>APA 7—>video

Copy and paste URL—>search—>cite

then you can paste the citation at the end of your summary.

If you do not cite the video correctly, you will lose 25%.

Reply to 2 of your peers.

Should you have any questions, let me know.

Watch the following videos about an Argumentative Essay and Counterargument and Refutation

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