Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Your employer has asked you to present on verbal and nonverbal communication practices. You must prepare a PowerPoint presentation, creating one slide for each of the topics below. Be sure to include your speaker notes in the Notes section below each slide. Include a minimum of three relevant citations throughout your presentation.
Using the Unit 4 Assignment Template, please respond to the following:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2: What is verbal communication? Provide one example to illustrate the importance of accurate verbal communication in interpersonal interactions.
Slide 3: What are two principles of verbal communication? Provide one example of how each can be applied in interpersonal communication.
Slide 4: What is nonverbal communication? Provide one example to illustrate the importance of accurate nonverbal communication in interpersonal interactions.
Slide 5: What are two principles of nonverbal communication? Provide one example of how each can be applied in interpersonal communication.
Slide 6: Identify three types of nonverbal cues. Provide one example of how each can be applied in interpersonal communication.
Slide 7: Provide two examples of how words and symbols can be used to positively influence interpersonal communication.
Slide 8: Reference
Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines
Your assignment should be at least six slides, not including the Title and Reference slides, and should include the following elements:
Title slide
Reference slide: Include at least three sources listed in APA format
Use Arial or Times New Roman 24-point font
Use APA Formatting and Citation style
If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Writing Center.
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