To complete the EVA, you must first review the syllabus for this course.
Then, list “one” key concept you are most interested in learning.
The following questions are college and career-related.
What is your major, and how/why did you select it? In effect, what brought you to my Marketing class? Answer in 3-4 sentences.
my major is Human Resource Management.
What do you see yourself doing with your degree five years after graduation?
Type of job?
Type of company?
What do you want to be responsible for in 5 years? (Key goal-setting question).
Where (Geographic location)?Saudi Arabia
What skills do you have today that will contribute to your meeting your 5-year career plan?
More importantly, what skills do you need to develop in college and in life that will contribute to your meeting your 5-year career plan? (Career and Life skills needed – Google these, if needed, to help with your responses).
Career/education goals
Financial goals
Relationship goals
Family goals
Exercise/vacation/ fun goals
Note: As you progress through the program, your responses are subject to change.
To complete the EVA, you must first review the syllabus for this course.
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