Length 3-4 pgs
Use APA 7 style, and cite references published within the last 5 years.
Only working on Section 4 for this assignment. Please add it to the file attached (the first part, including Sections 1,2 & 3, have been completed).
Throughout this course, you will be working with a scenario in which some basic background information is provided about a consulting firm. This scenario and information is typical in many companies today. You are tasked to select a company that you are familiar with that is facing a similar situation. The company can be real or fictitious, but the framework and problems that it faces should be similar. The assignments that you complete each week are based on the problems and potential solutions that similar companies may face. The end goal for these assignments is to analyze the problems that the company faces with respect to the upcoming audit and to provide guidance on how it can provide security for its infrastructure.
Scenario Week 4:
The case study company is also concerned about the confidentiality and integrity of the data. What policies and controls are needed to meet the regulatory requirements imposed by the recent initial public offering (IPO)? In an effort to ensure the confidentiality of data both internally and externally, discuss how you can effectively protect the data in motion and at rest. Create the following section for Week 4:
- Week 4: Security Policies, Procedures, and Regulatory Compliance
- List and describe the regulatory requirement that was introduced by the IPO.
- List and describe at least 5 policies that the company needs.
- From the list of policies, list and describe at least 3 controls that the company needs to implement.
- Describe the data at rest and data in motion and analyze how they can be protected
- Section 4 should be 2–3 pages long.
- Name the document “CS651_FirstnameLastname_IP4.doc.”
The template document should follow this format:
- Security Management Document shell
- Use Word
- Title page
- Course number and name
- Project name
- Your name
- Date
- Table of Contents (TOC)
- Use an autogenerated TOC.
- This should be on a separate page.
- This should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
- Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
- Section headings (create each heading on a new page with “TBD” as content, except for Week 1)
- Week 1: Introduction to Information Security
- This section will describe the organization and establish the security model that it will use.
- Week 2: Security Assessment
- This section will focus on risks that are faced by organizations and how to deal with or safeguard against them.
- Week 3: Access Controls and Security Mechanisms
- This section examines how to control access and implement sound security controls to ensure restricted access to data.
- Week 4: Security Policies, Procedures, and Regulatory Compliance
- This section will focus on the protection of data and regulatory requirements that the company needs to implement.
- Week 5: Network Security
- This section combines all of the previous sections and gives the opportunity to examine the security mechanisms that are needed at the network level.
- Week 1: Introduction to Information Security
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