This task consists of crafting the purpose statement and significance of the study statements.

This task consists of crafting the purpose statement and significance of the study statements. The purpose statement will flow directly from the problem statement. It should be a concise paragraph that explains the intent of the study. You should provide specific reasons for conducting the research and should directly relate these to the research questions. This section should begin with – “The purpose of this (qualitative or quantitative) study is to…”. The purpose statement should further describe the methodological design, identifying the approach or process by which the study will be conducted. This section typically ranges between 200 and 300 words.


Example: Based on the Specific Problem Statement in Task 3


The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the high level of employee turnover in merchandise stores in the northeastern United States. Specifically, the researcher will examine the relationship between the level of employee turnover loss of revenue, and reduced profits. This research aims to provide insights into the potential negative consequences of employee turnover and contribute to strategies for promoting improved employee retention in retail stores. To achieve this the researcher will adopt a qualitative research methodology using interviews where open-ended questions to solicit the kinds of responses that should inform the research questions.


Significance of the Study


The significance of the study statement should demonstrate why the study is essential and how the contribution(s) from the finalized research will add to the field of study. Keep in mind that the significance of the study section looks at the benefits or positive outcomes of answering the research questions and achieving the goals (purpose) of the study. For example, how will the findings from the research add to or impact the greater the body of knowledge? This section is typically one page in length.


Example: Based on the Specific Problem Statement in Task 3


The significance of this study is rooted in its exploration of the crucial relationship between employee turnover and its direct impact on organizational financial performance, specifically reduced revenue and profit. By delving into the factors influencing employee turnover and its consequences on the bottom line, this research aims to provide actionable insights for businesses. Understanding the dynamics between employee retention and financial outcomes is vital for organizations striving to enhance operational efficiency and economic sustainability. The findings from this study have the potential to guide strategic human resource management decisions, offering practical solutions for reducing turnover costs and bolstering revenue and profit margins. In an era where talent retention is paramount, this research seeks to contribute valuable knowledge that can empower businesses to optimize their workforce and foster financial success.

This task consists of crafting the purpose statement and significance of the study statements.

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