This lesson’s topic of discussion is federalism. The framers wanted to create a government that was neither too weak nor too strong. Thus, they instituted the concept of federalism, which is the balancing or sharing of power between the national (i.e., federal) and state governments. With federalism there are state laws and federal laws that may conflict. Also, the diversity of state laws and procedures creates situations that may seem unfair to many citizens. For example, you may not need a permit for a gun in one state but may in another, be able to smoke marijuana recreationally or not depending on the state, or some state legislatures may invest more in public education, infrastructure, or healthcare than others.
The Question(s):
Define federalism.
Why is federalism an important concept for citizens to understand?
Are there areas (pick a minimum of 2 topics) which you believe the federal or state government should be more powerful? For example, should federal officials exercise more power to require greater uniformity in policy among the states? Should the areas of health care, education, border security, voting, law enforcement in cities or other such topics be in the hands of the federal or state governments? Why or why not?
NOTE: Be sure to pick at least 2 topics to discuss. You do not have to use the topics I mention. You may come up with your own ideas of where the federal or state government should take the lead. (Note: Do not say the state or federal government should have no power. Find at least 2 areas where there should be some responsibility by the state or federal government.)
The rules for assignment credit:
Your answer needs to be no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. You must answer all questions completely.Resources will be uploaded as files
Please note this assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism and the use of AI. This assignment is based off what you’ve learned.
This lesson’s topic of discussion is federalism.
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