This assignment is about the building and expansion of the Panama canal

What Do I Submit? In the lesson, you read about the global changes taking place during the late 1800s and early 1900s. You also learned about how the Spanish-American War and the construction of the Panama Canal helped make the United States a world power. Both events played pivotal roles in how the U.S. developed and grew after that point in history. Imagine you are a historian reflecting on this period in history. You’ve been asked to create a product that describes the Spanish American War or the building of the Panama Canal to today’s population. For this assessment, you may write either a newspaper article or a storybook about the causes, motivations, and effects of the Spanish-American War or the building of the Panama Canal. There are 2 options here Story book or News paper article If you choose to create a five-page storybook, be sure to include at least three sentences of text and an illustration on each page that focus on the following: • the reasons for the event • the incidents leading up to the main event • accurate details on what took place during the event • the results of the event Your storybook should be at least five pages with an illustration and three-sentence description on each page. Your storybook should be written in no larger than a 12-point font. You may include clip art or images. Be sure to cite your sources. If you choose to write a newspaper article, be sure you include the following information: • a headline • the reasons for the event • the incidents leading up to the main event • accurate details on what took place during the event • the results of the event Your newspaper article should include a paragraph for each main topic in the article. Your article should be written in no larger than a 12-point font. You may include clip art or images. Be sure to cite your sources.

This assignment is about the building and expansion of the Panama canal

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