The rubric is listed below with an article Need a Summary in APA format.? Just a friendly reminder to submit your research article with 5 title headings based on the rubric. This is cruci

The rubric is listed below with an article

Need a Summary in APA format. 

Just a friendly reminder to submit your research article with 5 title headings based on the rubric. This is crucial to show that you understand the content thoroughly. Here’s how to organize your article:

Research Problem:

Write a paragraph or more explaining the research problem.

Description of the Research Process:

Write one or more paragraphs describing the research process.

Continue these steps for the remaining headings until you meet the rubric requirements.

Remember, you won’t lose points for going over the word count, but you might lose significant points for not following the format we discussed in class. Also, don’t forget to include an APA-formatted title page with all assignments.

Each student within the Leadership and Quality Improvement Presentation group will find one unique, peer-reviewed research article related to the group topic that will be used to contribute to the presentation. The article must be less than 5 years old and from a scholarly, peer-reviewed source. If you submit the same article as one of your peers in the group, you may be required to re-submit the assignment. Each group member will turn in their assigned article with a 250- 350-word, double-spaced summary of the article. Summary must contain:

  1. Correctly formatted APA reference for the article.
  2. One paragraph summary that discusses the research problem, process, and results.
  3. One paragraph discussing how this article relates to the topic and how it will help complete the presentation

Refer to rubric for all requirements, including formatting.

The rubric is listed below with an article Need a Summary in APA format.? Just a friendly reminder to submit your research article with 5 title headings based on the rubric. This is cruci

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