The regional hospital board is dedicated to exploring emerg

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    • Analyze the use of technology to increase cognitive intelligence and knowledge in business.
    • Evaluate the role smart technologies plays in increasing competitive advantages.
    • Analyze technologies that enhance the human experience.
    • Evaluate technology used in digital transactions.
    • Analyze sustainable and renewable resources and their roles in business.
    • Critique the implications of using technology and emerging trends for business.
    • Student Success Criteria
      View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

      The regional hospital board is dedicated to exploring emerging technology trends in order to remain competitive. You are the Vice President of Innovation for the hospital. You have been asked by the hospital board to evaluate emerging trends in technology for use in the hospital. The technologies to be evaluated are artificial intelligencesmart technologyvirtual reality, blockchain technology/cryptocurrency, and sustainable and renewable resourcesYou must remember that the hospital deal with patients so legal and ethical implications and privacy and security concerns must be addressed. The hospital board is looking for these technologies to provide competitive advantage to support the investment by the hospital.

      The hospital board asks that you prepare a report sharing with them the technologies, addressing their concerns, and supporting the investment. Be sure to support your recommendations credible resources. Using the assigned readings in the modules would be a good place to start.

      You will construct a comprehensive report for the hospital board of the technology, emerging trends, legal and ethical implications, and security and privacy concerns. The hospital board may not be familiar with this technology so be thorough in your description of the technology; use examples where appropriate.

      In Microsoft Word, create the report. The report should be 10 – 12 pages in length and should accomplish these objectives:

    • Examine how the hospital can use artificial intelligence to improve inpatient care 
    • Explore how the hospital can use sensors which are a type of smart technology to better monitor patients in their rooms 
    • Identify how the human resource department can better train employees on new surgical technologies using virtual reality using the knowledge gained in Module 3.
    • Explore how the patient accounts area can accept cryptocurrency as a method of payment 
    • Distinguish ways the hospital can use sustainable and renewable resources technologies 
    • Evaluate the legal or ethical implications for adopting these technologies 
    • Distinguish any privacy or security concerns resulting from adopting these technologies 
    • Support how these emerging trends in technology provide a competitive advantage for the hospital 
    • NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


    • Articles research

    The regional hospital board is dedicated to exploring emerg

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