. The Proposal should be about a particular product, service, new company or research to be funded, bought or provided for by a private company, governmental department or agency.

COMM 2312 Technical and Professional Communication Assignment #4: Business Proposal /20% Student pairs must write a Business Proposalas discussed in Lannon (Chapter 22) Due Date: TO BE POSTED ON BLACKBOARD Please, note that it is the responsibility of the student pair to submit the required assignment on time. No late submission will be accepted, and no grade will be given for an assignment that is not submitted on time. Read the details below carefully to help you do this assignment. If you have any question, please see me during scheduled office hours, or you can schedule a meeting. Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to help students learn to write a business proposal as a type of technical document widely used in the workplace. Objectives • The student will be able to know the elements or parts of a business proposal. • The student will identify the style and the format of such technical and professional document. • The student will be able to express a professional point using a business proposal. • The student will realize the professional importance of a business proposal in a workplace. Instructional Media: Tools and Resources • You will be shown several examples of business proposals in class. Background research is required by the pair before writing the document and submitting using the BlackBoard link. Requirements and Guidelines: It is important to read and follow the following guidelines: A. The Business Proposal: 1. The Proposal should be about a particular product, service, new company or research to be funded, bought or provided for by a private company, governmental department or agency. Outline for Business Proposal (20%) Key Elements of the Assignment: 1. Cover Page 2. Cover Letter 3. Cover Page for Proposal 1 4. Introduction • • • • • • • Overview Background Statement of Problem Need Qualifications of Personnel Data Sources Scope: Limitations and Contingencies 5. Body – Proposed Plan • • • • • • Objectives and Methods Timetable Materials and Equipment Personnel Cost and Budget Expected Results 6. Conclusion • • Summary of Key Points Request for Action 7. Bibliography/Works Cited • • Minimum of 3 APA citation style 8. Oral Presentation: PPT, Prezi or Video with voiceover power point 5% Note: All members must present on their scheduled date and be on time without any excuses or “appointments”. If a member is late 2% will be deducted from the 5%. Member(s) that is absent will receive 0%. The written business proposal with all parts and the PPT should be submitted by one of members in the group on BB on the due date. All late assignments will be marked down 10% 1 -7 days after given due date and 30% after 7 days. 2 Important Notes: Assessment Criteria DOCUMENT Cover Page for Assignment #4 Assessment Rubric for the technical document The following should appear on the cover page: SCORES /1% COMM 2312 Technical and Professional Communication Section: Professor: Dr. Laura Strachan Names and IDs: Assignment#4: A Business Proposal Type of Proposal: Cover Letter A Business Proposal /7 = /1% According to Cover Letter – Addresses, Salutation, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Closing, Signature – letter formatting discussed in class plus content, professionalism, persuasion. /10 = /4% Meet the requirements/sections noted on page 580 of Technical Communication. Format, technical specifications, information, relevancy, consistency, grammar, ideas, punctuation as per APA: See pages 580 – 596 (IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO INCLUDE AN ABSTRACT) /4% /10% 1. Cover Page for Proposal 2. Introduction • • • • • • • • Overview Background Statement of Problem Need Qualifications of Personnel Data Sources Limitations and Contingencies Scope 3 3. Body – Proposed Plan • • • • • • Objectives and Methods Timetable Materials and Equipment Personnel Cost and Budget Expected Results 4. Conclusion • • Summary of Key Points Request for Action 5. Bibliography/Works Cited: APA citation style /20 = /10 Oral Presentation • • • • • • • • /5% Cover Slide with same information as Cover Letter and Company information Table of Contents Minimum number of slides Identify all parts of your Business Proposal Each member presents equal time – minimum of 7 minutes per person Speaker Confident Speaker Knowledge Speaker Preparedness /20 = /5 TOTAL 20% 4

. The Proposal should be about a particular product, service, new company or research to be funded, bought or provided for by a private company, governmental department or agency.

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