The objective of this discussion is to research recent media reporting on criminal activity.

The objective of this discussion is to research recent media reporting on criminal activity.


Answer the three following questions.


From Chapter 1, does the media cause antisocial, deviant, or criminal behavior? Why or why not?

From Chapter 2, discuss agenda setting and framing by the media and how this impacts the perception of our society.

Is the media’s reporting of the spike in murders during the COVID pandemic a reflection of media effects, agenda setting, and/or framing by the media? Why or why not?

Each question should be answered in a paragraph with more than 125 words with a minimum of one APA citation and reference per question. The citation and reference can include any information provided within the text or additional resources you may have located. The APA Module provides several examples of proper citation and reference format. Please note the word count does not include the citation and reference, and while there is no requirement to respond to your peers, but you are welcome to do so.

The objective of this discussion is to research recent media reporting on criminal activity.

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