The first assignment in your Scientific Method Project is a bit of brainstorming. I want you to really notice what’s happening around you this week. Do you see things you can’t explain? Are you curious about why something happens, or what would happen if you changed certain conditions? You are going to pick 3 problems/observations in YOUR daily life that you could design and perform an experiment to answer. You are going to be working on this experiment all semester, so make it something that really interests you.
- Observe problems occurring in your daily life
- Identify which problems can be investigated using scientific means and measurements
Your assignment should include these headings:
Problem #1:
- A brief explanation of the problem and how it relates to your daily life
- List the instruments (scale, measuring cup, timer, ruler, etc.) and process you’d use to measure your dependent variable (what happens as a result of your experiment)
- A selfie photo you took of this problem (inserted in your document)
Problem #2:
- A brief explanation of the problem and how it relates to your daily life
- List the instruments (scale, measuring cup, timer, ruler, etc.) and process you’d use to measure your dependent variable (what happens as a result of your experiment)
- A selfie photo you took of this problem (inserted in your document)
Problem #3:
- A brief explanation of the problem and how it relates to your daily life
- List the instruments (scale, measuring cup, timer, ruler, etc.) and process you’d use to measure your dependent variable (what happens as a result of your experiment)
- A selfie photo you took of this problem (inserted in your document)
Criteria for Success:
- Do not search the internet for an experiment/demo, it will be checked for plagiarism. We aren’t illustrating how diffusion works. We are solving problems.
- Simple problems like my phone/game controller/remote won’t charge, or any example about feeding a pet
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