Summary of project

College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Healthcare Research Methods Course number: PHC215 CRN ***** Select a topic of your interest and prepare research project under following points Assignment title or task: Students Name: 1. Summary of project – 75-100 words (1 mark) 2. Background (Literature review) and significance of study – minimum 200 words (3 marks) 3. Aims and objectives – approx. 100 words (2 marks) 4. Research Hypothesis and research question – approx. 50 words (2 mark) 5. Methodology 5.1 Study design, study population and study setting – approx. 50 words (1.5 marks) 5.2 Eligibility criteria and data collection method – approx. 50 words (1.5 marks) 5.3 Statistical test applicable for the study – approx. 50 words (1 mark) 5.4 Outline the schedule for the project – approx. 50 words (1 mark) 6. References – 7-10 references APA format – (2 marks) Name ID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Submission date: Instructor name: ******** Grade: …..out of 15 College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health Due Date: Sunday, 9th March 2024 (11:59 pm) Assignment guidelines: • • • • • • Assignment must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, Submission date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted Avoid plagiarism Word count 600-750 words (Reference not included) Font should be 12 Time New Roman Color should be black Line spacing should be 1.5

Summary of project

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