Successful intercultural communication requires an understanding of cultural fluency.

Successful intercultural communication requires an understanding of cultural fluency. In this assignment, you will reflect on your current cultural fluency by describing what cultural fluency is. You will also discuss ways you can elevate your cultural fluency using one of the conflicts outlined in the project. This assignment is part of Part Two of the project. This assignment will allow you to further explore the importance of cultural fluency and self-awareness and consider how you can use these concepts to communicate and collaborate more effectively with others.


First, consult the Project Guidelines and Rubric to review the scope of the project.

Next, review the scenario you chose from the Module Two Project Draft assignment. With your chosen scenario in mind, address the assignment prompts below by completing the specified criteria of Part Two in the Project Template.

Note: You can find the Project Template linked in the What to Submit section. You can find the Project Guidelines and Rubric and the Scenario Profiles document linked in the Supporting Materials section.

Specifically, you must address the following:

Project: Part Two: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration

For this assignment, the Module Three Project Draft, you will complete rubric criteria #1 and #2 of Part Two of the Project Template. (When you work on the Module Four Project Draft, you will complete the remaining rubric criteria, #3, #4, and #5, of Part Two.)

  • Describe how you would demonstrate cultural fluency in the scenario.
  • Describe how cultural fluency benefits your self-awareness.

What to Submit

Submit your  for grading. You will use the same Project Template for all the project drafts and for the project. No revisions to the work done previously in the template are expected at this time. Additionally, no sources are required.

Successful intercultural communication requires an understanding of cultural fluency.

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