Software maintenance using Github Project and NetBeans

SWE 441: Software Maintenance and Evolution Assignment #1 – [CLO# 1.1] Due Date: Thursday 18/09/1445 (28/03/2024) at 11:59 PM Assignment Instructions: ? This is an individual assignment. Work individually. ? Before submitting, save your assignment as PDF, name it “YourStudentID” and upload it to Blackboard. ? Late submissions will be penalized 10% of the available points per day and will not be accepted three days after the due date. Overview: This assignment gives you a chance to perform maintenance on a simple program and explore basic use of Git and GitHub. The instructions below expect you to use NetBeans, but you are free to use the command line, or any graphical user interface provided by any IDE. Instructions: Step 1: Create an account on GitHub. Step 2: Create a repository on your GitHub account, name it “StudentGrade”, and make it public. Step 3: Now, you will clone the project named StudentGrade which is available on this link on your local machine. To clone this project using NetBeans, go to Team > Remote > clone … Enter the repository URL, username and password to your Github account. Note that the password must be a token your generate on your Github account [Settings > Developer settings > Tokens > Generate a new token]. Once you are done, take a look at the project files and try to understand the program. Step 3: The implementation of the StudentGradeTest class uses JUnit 3.8.1. You will reimplement the entire class using JUnit 4 or Junit 5. Read the documentation of both versions of JUnit and try to identify the differences between the two versions to correctly move from an older version (3.8.1) of Junit to the a newer version (4 or 5). Once you are ready to write your code, create a new branch on your local repository to reimplement the test class. Note that you can find the dependency JUnit 3.8.1 on this link. . Download the jar file and add it to your project to run the program. What kind of maintenance is this? Step 4: Once you are done with your implementation of the previous step, commit your changes and make sure that you provide a meaningful comment. Step 5: Merge the branch your created in step 3 with your master branch. Step 6: Push all your branches to the remote repository (The one your created on GitHub). Submission: On the due date, you will submit the following: • A link to your GitHub account. Make sure the assignment repository is public so I can see the repository history. • Screenshots of the following: o ‘Repository Browser’ window. [Team > Repository > Repository Browser] o ‘History View’ of all files. [Team > History > Show History]

Software maintenance using Github Project and NetBeans

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