SOC308 Racial Profiling and the Criminal Justice System


After reviewing the Required Resources, address the following:

Define racial profiling. 

Describe the connection between stereotypes and racial profiling.

  • Explain the consequences of racial profiling.
  • Choose from Chapter 7 the sociological theory of race, crime, and deviance that most closely fits your own beliefs about how race, crime, and deviance are interrelated and describe it in your own words (e.g., Lombroso’s theory, differential association theory, broken windows theory, or the general strain theory). Explain how and why your chosen theory fits within your own beliefs.
  • Compare the theory you chose to a differing theory outlined in your text, Chapter 7.
  • Identify and describe any current collective efforts (such as protest movements, boycotts, and educational campaigns) that address racial profiling in the criminal justice system of which you are aware.  
  • If you are unaware of any collective efforts, propose your own idea of an effort that citizens could establish to effect change in this area.
  • Watch video below

SOC308 Racial Profiling and the Criminal Justice System

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