Selecting a Statistical Test for the Hypothesis

Selecting a statistical tool can be an easy decision, but the selection must be based on your hypothesis. For example, if your hypothesis is looking at a potential relationship between two variables, you could decide to use correlation or simple linear regression. However, it is always necessary to perform a complete examination of your hypothesis and the available statistical tools. A complete examination ensures the hypothesis clearly links to the research question. We also must ensure the statistical analysis links to a practical solution that can be developed and deployed.


Review the following video to gain a deeper understanding of statistical tool selection: Choosing which statistical test to use.



In this assignment, you will continue to build upon the work you completed in your Research Project for Week 1. Now that you have developed a problem statement, research question, and hypothesis for your selected case study, we move to the next step: Selecting a statistical tool to test your hypothesis.


Select an appropriate statistical tool for your research project hypothesis and provide a brief explanation supporting your selection. You will need to use one resource for this selection explanation. Your file should be 1-2 pages written in APA style.



Please follow the criteria and answer accordingly:

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

• Selects appropriate statistical tool for hypothesis.

• Provides brief explanation supporting selection.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

• Responses are written at the graduate level with proper punctuation, grammar, and mechanics.

• Follows APA Style.

Selecting a Statistical Test for the Hypothesis

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