Discussion 1 for 521 Video link: https://vimeo.com/937988692?share=copy Consider the following questions and reflect on your thoughts and experiences: • • • • What ethical concerns and implications arise when mistakes are made due to the integration of CNAs and LPNs into patient care, and how do these relate to patient safety and the quality of care provided? In the scenario presented, what ethical principles or values are at stake for hospital leadership, the healthcare team, the patients, and the CNAs and LPNs? If you were a part of the hospital leadership team in this situation, how would you address the mistakes and improve the quality of care while continuing to utilize CNAs and LPNs? What ethical principles would guide your decision-making process? Reflect on any personal experiences or stories related to similar incidents or the integration of CNAs and LPNs into patient care. How did these experiences influence your perspective on the ethical challenges involved? Instructions: 1. Write a post based on the title above with at least 300 words, excluding references & title 2. Title page and reference page not needed separately 3. Include references at the bottom (not on a different page). Use 2 to 3 references from an outside source that is a Peer-reviewed journal or evidence-based and credible website.Use references that are less than 5 years old. 4. Do it in APA 7 format Discussion 1 for 535 Discussion 2 for 535 Discussion 1 for 561 Discussion 2 for 561
santa ana Patient Care Ethics: Collaboration and Accountability
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