Q1 • • 11.2 Action Required: Chapter Reading: Read Ch-17 “Retailing and Omni-channel Marketing” from the text book- Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy (2020) “Marketing” (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education. 11.3 Test your Knowledge (Answer the following Question): Discussion Question #1What are the various tactics used to reduce prices to consumers. Q2 Read the article in the following link: https://www.toolshero.com/decision-making/what-if-analysis/ 11.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): 1. What is the significance of ‘What-If analysis’ in business for decision making process? Write with example. 2. What are the basic steps of What-If analysis? Q3 12.2 Action Required: • Watch the short video at the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlkfLApTj-w 12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): • Differentiate between procurement and purchasing? Q4 Discuss the opportunities and threats adhered to regional economic integration. Q5 Question 1 How should a corporation attempt to achieve synergy among functions and business units? Question 2 How is the cellular/modular structure different from the network structure?
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