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Reply to each post with 1-2 paragraphs including references


Post1: Hannah


The use of evidence-based practice helps to direct healthcare policy. It should not be used as a one-size-fits-all; clinical judgment should still be utilized while considering what evidence is most effective for our patients. For advanced practice nurses, evidence-based practice should be used as a template to guide care while still altering things as needed for specific patients and their circumstances. Clinicians such as MDs and Dos are held to the same standard of evidence-based practice as APRNs (Blair, 2019).


APRNs’ independence and autonomy mainly depend on the state in which they practice. States with more rural and remote areas were some of the first to allow for a more independent practice than other states. These states that give APRNs independence and autonomy will provide patients with greater access to care (Giles, 2018). At the time of an APRN’s employment, there will be an agreement outlining the collaborative and complimentary working relationship that the APRN and the physician will share. This allows for the legal protection of both parties and clearly defines their responsibilities (Herman & Ziel, 1999). In the case of the APRN opening a practice, physicians are to be paid by APRNs and need reviews of charts or other services the physician may provide, but the APRN does not need to pay the physician to work with them. APRNs should incorporate collaboration with physicians by communicating promptly and effectively with the provider. These collaborations must be interactive for the best results for the patient (Cascella).


Post2: Precous


Implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) is critical to providing high-quality treatment while keeping costs low. While all nurses are responsible for implementing EBP at the individual patient level, nurse practitioners (NPs) as clinical leaders have additional responsibilities that include leading and collaborating with transdisciplinary teams to implement EBP across patient groups and integrate practice changes into routine care (Clark et al., 2021). Evidence-based recommendations have a substantial impact on Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) practice, providing as the foundation for clinical decision-making and assuring high-quality, patient-centered care. Physicians (MDs and DOs) and APRNs often follow comparable evidence-based guidelines to ensure that healthcare providers across disciplines use the most up-to-date and effective approaches to patient treatment. Evidence-based practice (EBP) combined with high-quality care improves patient outcomes. However, problems remain in adopting EBP in everyday clinical practice. To combine collaboration and consultation with supervisory physicians, a thorough strategy created by all team members is required. A shared knowledge of individual duties within the team contributes to good patient care, in which NPs and their physician colleagues handle patients’ needs collaboratively (Schadewaldt et al., 2013).


While APRNs are frequently recognized as independent and autonomous providers, their degree of autonomy varies by state and jurisdiction. In certain locations, APRNs have complete practice authority, allowing them to work without physician supervision, whereas in others, collaborative agreements with physicians are required, particularly for specific procedures or elements of care. Currently, 21 states allow NPs to practice without physician participation, supervision, or monitoring. The remaining 29 states require physician supervision for prescribing, with differing standards for physician involvement in diagnosis and treatment. NPs’ financial arrangements typically do not include paying physicians to practice, while collaborative agreements may include compensation based on mutual agreement or institutional norms (Cabbabe, 2016).

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