Relationship Analysis Paper

Relationship Analysis Paper The relationship analysis paper is an interpersonal communication exercise designed to help you understand the importance of your communication style and various influences of the self-concept and esteem in your relationships. Purpose:  To apply interpersonal communication theories and concepts to your life  To increase your awareness of how you influence and are influenced by others Requirements and Paper Format  You will need to write 600-900 words in length (without assignment description) and double spaced.  No introductions or conclusions are required. Use this document to complete the assignment.  Need to write complete sentences.  Please try to label, number or highlight the sections and subsections of your paper so I can easily see that you are responding to all the required prompts.  Use concepts and terms from the textbook must be used and not other sources except personal experience. Section One Self-esteem booster (Ego Boosters) and self-esteem busters (Ego Busters) in your relationships. See “Uppers, Downers, and Vultures” in 2. Understanding the Self—Who You Are Chapter Communication and Self. After completing this section you should begin to see the role communication plays in shaping the self-concept. 1. Recall someone you know or once knew who was an ego booster- who helped enhance your self esteem by acting in a way that made you feel accepted, competent, worthwhile, important, appreciated, or loved. 2. Now recall an ego buster from your life-someone who acted in a large or small way to reduce your self-esteem. Recall how you felt after receiving the damaging message. 3. Now that you’ve thought about how others shape your self-concept, recall a time when you were an ego booster to someone else- when you intentionally or unintentionally boosted another’s selfesteem. Look for a time when your words or actions left another person feeling valued, loved, needed, and so on. 4. Finally, recall an instance in which you were an ego buster for someone else. What did you do or say to diminish another, self-esteem? Were you aware of the effect of your behavior at the time? Section Two After completing this section you should better understand the difference between your private self (perceived self) and the public self (presenting self) that attempt to show to others (see 5. Communicating the Self in textbook chapter Chapter Communication and Self) and that influences your relationships.  Identify and describe four (4) differences between your private (perceived self) and the way your evaluators perceived you (public, presenting self).  After each item you listed, discuss what factors may have contributed to the differences in the way you perceive your self and the way the other person perceived you.  Whose view is more accurate and why?

Relationship Analysis Paper

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