Public Health Question


Drug Final Paper Project

Final Project: 1 at 70 points = 70 points

The final project is a culmination and newly written paper regarding what you learned from the 3 current events summary articles and the research summary article. The final project should be a newly written 4 page double spaced minimum-5 page double spaced maximum, describing your drug and all you have learned about the drug during the semester. Students must use credible sources and in-text citations. Often students will use the textbook or other credible professional websites discussed in class, but all peer-reviewed sources are appropriate sources. Students must integrate their 3 current events articles and the research article into paper in a meaningful way. Your turnitin match rate must be lower than 15%. Do not copy phrasing – put all work into your own words. Students must cite in-text using APA referencing and a minimum of 5 sources must be used (3 of which are your current events sources).

What goes into the final project written summary?

? Drug name

? History of drug

? Medicinal use(s) of drug, if any and abuse of drug why and how it is abused

? Population of users

? Who abuses drug at highest level

? Short and long term psychological effects of drug

? Short and long term physical effects of drug

? Addiction potential

? Integrate your 3 current events articles into the paper in a meaningful way

? Schedule of drug

? Treatment options

? Something you learned in class or via an article that you would tell a friend who is considering using the drug

? Why student chose drug topic

? Student opinion of drug’s use in American Society – Is this a drug that should have attention of justice/legal system in US – why or why not

Public Health Question

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