Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 1 of the course textbook, Contemporary Project Management: Plan-Driven and Agile Approaches. Review the video, CSR and t


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

  • Read Chapter 1 of the course textbook, Contemporary Project Management: Plan-Driven and Agile Approaches.
  • Review the video, .
  • Review the .
  • Review the .

You have chosen a country for the Walmart case study. International Logistics Services (ILS) has acquired a new warehouse and truck fleet in your selected country and within the vicinity of one or more Walmart stores. The newly acquired warehouse has 100 employees. The new director for logistics services (DLS) plans to address all the employees on Thursday. The DLS will present the vision, mission, and values. The DLS will also explain the strategic objective to secure Walmart as a customer. The DLS asks that you, the start-up project manager, follow with a presentation. The DLS asks you to deliver an audio-narrated presentation that

  • explains what a project is,
  • describes project management,
  • provides a brief outline of the project goals,
  • illustrates the project planning steps, and
  • summarizes how CSR will be an important element of your project.

Your initial response should contain three PowerPoint slides (five to ten minutes total). If needed, review the Writing Center’s resource. Graduate-school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one properly cited and referenced scholarly or credible source in addition to the text. Review the and resources from the Writing Center for help.

    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 1 of the course textbook, Contemporary Project Management: Plan-Driven and Agile Approaches. Review the video, CSR and t

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