Unit 15Assignment: Policy Advocacy Portfolio – Part 5: Complete
- Instructions
For your policy advocacy portfolio, you will select legislation currently working its way through your state legislature which impacts your specialization and the clients whom you interact with in your field agency. If the legislature is not in session, your focus will be on legislation which was proposed and acted upon during the previous session.
The goal of this portfolio is to: Develop skills to track the specific legislation-(tracking) create a detailed understanding of the policy and its implications-(analysis), create and assess an advocacy strategy to influence the proposed legislation-( advocacy strategy), draft an opinion essay, to be published in the popular press or on social media-(Op-ed) and to present your evaluation of the impact of your advocacy strategy-(infographic).
- The policy advocacy portfolio will take the form of 5 tasks over the course of the semester:
Presenting an infographic as to the results of your advocacy strategy-PART 5- 100 points
For the final part of your assignment, create an infographic is illustrates the topic as it relates to your specialization, your analysis of the issue, the strategy and what your assessment of the implementation of your strategy was.
- This should take the form of a poster. You will be sharing your poster with your peers in the class who will provide feedback. From there, you will submit the final version of your poster as an assignment.
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