Please watch the film, And the Band Played On. This film may be available on the Internet through free sites such as Youtube and Vimeo (please note: accessing these sites is at your own risk). You may also view the film for purchase online through sites such as Amazon or HBO.
Movie: And the Band Played On (1993), Roger Spottiswoode (Director). Depicts how the CDC discovered how HIV was being transmitted. The film is both entertaining and educational, and it depicts the principles of epidemiology, human behavior, and society’s view of controversial topics.
- What factors inhibited the early war against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)? Do you believe the AIDS outbreak could have been stopped? Why or why not? What role does advocacy play in the film? How much publicity does HIV/AIDS receive today? What’s the story of HIV/AIDS in the 21st century? Explain.
Please watch the film, And the Band Played On.
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