Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email
Typically, before a writer expends energy on a research proposal, they ask for permission from their decision-maker to start the project. You practiced researching a project in the learning activity. In previous units, you have demonstrated persuasive writing strategies. Now use what you learned about persuasive writing in this assignment.
You will write an email to your decision-maker requesting permission to move forward with the relationship between social media and anxiety disorders for the researched proposal to solve a problem or address a weakness in your workplace or community. You will provide evidence to support the viability of your topic.
Checklist: Make sure your submission:
- Contains no fewer than 500 and no more than 700 words.
- Follows correct email format.
- Includes subheadings to break up sections of the email.
- Describes the problem or project you want to work on and explains its significance.
- Integrates at least two viable sources into the request to demonstrate research is available to support the topic.
- Provides current 7th edition APA formatted in-text citations and references pages.
- Contains no grammatical or mechanical errors.
We offer the best custom writing paper services. We have answered this question before and we can also do it for you.
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