Part 1: Patient Population Data (Indirect-Care Hours)

Part 1: Patient Population Data (Indirect-Care Hours)


Consider the problem and the patient population –> Older adult punjabi males


Review the statistics that relate to the prevention of a particular communicable disease in your selected patient population.


identify a communicable disease or a new preventable health issue (hypertension) that applies to your patient population.


Follow these steps to help plan for health promotion and disease prevention for either the previously identified or a different communicable disease or a chronic health issue:


Access and explore the CDC WONDER website to understand what data is available in relation to your topic (e.g., trends in spreading, who is being infected, available treatments).

On the homepage, select the Topics tab.

From the information that populates on the Topics tab, click on a topic you would like to prevent with your Weeks 4 and 5 teaching project and presentation.

Click into your statistic of interest (e.g., TB Annual Surveillance Reports) statistics.

As you research your topic, review available state-specific information within your topic’s statistics (e.g., United States Statistics: Data Visualizations).

On the map, click on your state (California)

Below the map, review and compare the rate and number of deaths for your chosen condition in your local community, state, and nation, if applicable.

-diagnose actual or potential health problems. To do this, create a list of problems you have identified and prioritize them (e.g., deficient of knowledge: TB transmission related to…).


Write a 350-word summary of how you will use CDC WONDER data and the assessments you have made to develop and plan for your teaching project in the Week 4 summative assessment. This teaching project relates to the problem you identified in your patient population. Include the following in your summary:


Incidence rate in your state (if available)

Prevalence rate in your state

Age-adjusted rates

Qualitative data from your population assessments (e.g., Three of the five people I talked to at the food bank told me that access to fresh fruits and vegetables was an ongoing problem.)

Nursing diagnosis or priority problem

Discussion how you might use this information to develop your teaching project

Format citations and references for any sources used in your summary according to APA guidelines.


Part 2: Clinical Activities – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Using your findings from Part 1 of this assignment, start a new conversation with your patient population during which you:


Provide feedback on the status of the selected health issue at the local, state, and national level.

Teach your patient population about ways to prevent the occurrence or the exacerbation of the health issue. (Intervene)

Evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching by asking at least 5 clients from the patient population (individual, family, or group) to describe 1 or more activities they will implement to prevent or alleviate symptoms of the disease and to prevent exacerbations (i.e., disease worsening). (Evaluate)

Write a 250-word summary of your interactions with the patient populations. As you write your summary, ensure that you reflect on the clinical objective(s) for the week and discuss how you met the objective(s). Note: The time spent writing this summary cannot be included in the calculation/achievement of your direct-care hours.


Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources to support your assignment.


Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Part 1: Patient Population Data (Indirect-Care Hours)

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