“On African-American /Black single moms working in the corporate world”

“On African-American /Black single moms working in the corporate world”


Annotated Bibliography assignment


For your Midterm Assignment, I would like you to do an Annotated Bibliography on a possible Final Paper assignment. From the units we’ve examined so far, choose a topic you’d like to do a bit more research on. Write a roughly one page (200-250 words) description of your topic and why you’d like to look more deeply into it.


Then, identify 3 reputable, academic sources (so no Wikipedia, no blogs), and write a paragraph (at least 5 substantive sentences) on each source, describing what the article is about and why you think it is interesting or useful to your possible paper topic. You will also need to begin your entry with a correct bibliographic citation in MLA style. This is a great source for how to make a citation in MLA styleLinks to an external site..


HereLinks to an external site. is a nice site explaining what an Annotated Bibliography is and how to do one. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!


So to summarize, you will need to


Choose a topic

Write a brief (roughly one page) description of your topic and why you’d like to look into it more deeply

Identify 3 reputable, interesting sources dealing with this topic

Write a bibliographic citation (like a Works Cited entry) for your source

Write a paragraph (at least 5 substantive sentences) on each source, describing the article and why you think it is interesting and/or useful to your possible paper topic.

I am single black momma that worked for a bank for 18 years and now working in a school and been here for 17 years.I was able to take care of my three daughters and sent them to college on my income. I decided to go back to school after

“On African-American /Black single moms working in the corporate world”

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