NUR 650 Clinicals

Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term. Write a reflection paper following APA format and consisting of 750-1000 words in length. Then, create a 5–7-minute reflection video using the word document which evaluates each SMART goal that you created. Use Teams, Zoom, or Canvas Studio’s Screen Capture feature to record your presentation.  Your face must be visible on camera (in the corner as you present your paper). You must introduce yourself and show your identification. You must dress professionally or your presentation will not be graded. 

Use the following questions to guide your response:   

What were you expecting from the experience before you started?   

Why were you expecting this?   

  1. Why did you choose this goal?   
  2. Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?   
  3. What is the most valuable experience you acquired?  
  4. What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?   
  5. What did you learn that was directly related to your course objectives? 

Here are some guides to help you with your video submission: 

NUR 650 Clinicals

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