The balance sheet provides a snapshot of a firms financial position at a particular date. Leaders are often navigating changes that impact the right side of the balance sheet. We learned that a firms Assets (left side of the balance sheet) are equal to their Liabilities plus their Equity (right side of the balance sheet). Capital represents the funds used to finance a firms assets and operations. Capital constitutes all items on the right-hand side of balance sheet, i.e., liabilities and common equity.
In this paper you will research and discuss common issues leaders should understand regarding liabilities and equity.
Tip: Searching for keywords in recent news stories from quality sources (CNBC, the WSJ, Yahoo finance, Regional Business News, Thompson Reuters Westlaw, scholarly articles, your textbook, etc) will provide a good head start for your paper.
Include in your paper the following sections:
Cover page with a descriptive paper title, your name, your program, course title, instructor name, and date
Brief introduction to the paper
A review of at least 3 liability/equity topics (accounts payable, retained earnings, short term debt, long term debt, mortgages, bonds, or stocks), and discuss how firms can best manage these items. Incorporate at least 1 related news story for each topic into your discussion
MSA602 Captital Liabilities and Equity
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