MRKT 410 Discussion Post Consumer Behavior


TOPIC 1: The process of Perception is (1)Sensing (Exposure), (2)Selecting (Attention) and (3)Interpretation. The first stage often has to do with where a marketing communication is placed (ex. an end-aisle display where you have to maneuver your cart around it or a billboard where you have to drive/ride past it). Therefore, the placement and position of a marketing communication is important in perception to be sure the consumer has an opportunity to be exposed. The second stage is difficult for marketers as we have to attract the attention and then maintain/hold it so that the marketing communication will be paid attention to. You have probably heard the old saying in advertising “sex sells”, and its got this idea at the root. It’s easy to flash sexy figures in advertising (to turn a consumers head) but will the consumer stick around to actually see and understand the message? The last stage is almost totally up to the consumer, did they “get it”? Put another way, did the consumer understand the message and did they store (in Long Term Memory) a piece of the message (hopefully the brand’s position and brand name). Can they recall the message when it comes to a consuming situation that would call for purchase/use of the product/brand?

Based on the Perception Process choose one specific brand that you believe has done the above creatively, thoughtfully, effectively AND successfully. Outline this brands efforts in detail, using Perception terms and concepts from the readings (and research) to support why it is an effective brand in terms of Perception. Embed one example overall of a promotion to represent the brand’s perceptual efforts (esp. the Exposure Stage). Outline each stage description in the following manner:

a) Sensing/Exposure

b) Selecting/Attention

c) Interpretation

TOPIC 2: One of the most controversial areas of Perception is Subliminal Advertising. Part of the controversy is the debate as to whether it is effective or not. Conduct some outside research and give your opinion as to whether Subliminal Embeds work in advertising or they do not. Outside research is needed for this response, so multiple sources and citations are crucial here.

TOPIC 3: Attitude is an easy area to develop but difficult to change. Once an attitude has been formed (about a brand) it is costly to change. Identify one brand that has suffered a recent set-back or controversy. Answer in detail the following questions with regard to attitude:

a) Identify the brand and briefly describe the recent set-back or controversy the brand suffered.

b) Identify one Attitude Component that the brand’s attitude (before the negative event) was mostly based upon (Cognitive, Affective or Conative) and explain how this could be recognized in the brand’s target consumer behavior. What about now, after the negative event, is the new attitudes being formed based on the same component or another one altogether? Explain.

c) Is the company (to combat the negative attitudes that might be forming) manipulating a particular component of Attitude in their business practices to try and answer or quell the negativity caused by the event?

Be sure to organize your post

using the topic numbers above that correspond to each question. Each

of the three topic responses is required for this week as this is an

upper division elective. Use paragraph form to respond unless otherwise

indicated. Please respond to all Topics in one main thread. Be sure

to organize your post. Do not repeat brands used by peers already

posted in conference. Usage of end/foot noting is required within the

text of the post responses. Cite the sources (in total) at the bottom

of the discussion responses. Also part of the discussion rubric is that

each student must comment and post to two other peer posts during the

week. Support with end notes/citations and include references at the

bottom of the post.

MRKT 410 Discussion Post Consumer Behavior

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