MBA 618 – Marketing Strategy and Management (Self-reflection report)

4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 St. Cloud State University Marketing Strategy and Management (MBA 618) Spring 2024 (3/13 – 4/24) Instructor: Rajesh Gulati Office: 474 Centennial Hall, Herberger Business School Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.); Tuesday, Thursday (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; By Appointment Class: Centennial Hall, Room: 498; (Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.) Contact: Phone: (320) 308-6645 E-mail: Text (required): Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Lane Keller. A Framework for Marketing Management (6th Edition), Pearson Cases (required): NOTE: Ensure that you procure both the course case pack (link above) as well as the text book. Course Competencies Students taking this course should: a. Be enrolled in the MBA program/meet all requirements to enroll in the MBA program. b. Have a working knowledge of EXCEL, that is, they should be able to do calculations on an EXCEL spreadsheet. Of course, they should have met the minimum technical requirements. c. Know how to work with algebraic equations. NOTE: Prior knowledge of marketing and marketing management is not required to be able to succeed in this course. Course Description This course exposes students to the field of marketing management and emphasizes how strategic decision making in marketing requires a holistic approach that combines quantitative analysis with strategic and structural considerations. Course Rationale The course is relevant to strategic decision making in “real world” marketing organizations. The cases, the text, and the assignments in this course all relate directly to “real world” issues faced by firms where optimal decisions have to be made by managers among feasible alternatives, given available information. 1/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 Course Objectives After successfully completing this course students will be able to perform the following: 1. Identify basic concepts of marketing, the strategic marketing process, and marketing management. 2. Apply marketing metrics to evaluate marketing situations and make strategic decisions. 3. Analyze market environment in which marketing management takes place, including analysis of demand, market segments, and consumer behavior 4. Describe the process involved in new products/services development and that of the consumer new product adoption process 5. Identify marketing mix strategies in the areas of (a) targeting and positioning, (b) product management including branding and pricing, (c) distribution and sales, and (d) advertising and promotion 6. Examine marketing mix strategies in the areas of (a) targeting and positioning, (b) product management including branding and pricing, (c) distribution and sales, and (d) advertising and promotion 7. Demonstrate problem solving capabilities from the perspective of a marketing manager The above-mentioned objectives will be attained through case discussions and analyses, case summaries and write-ups, and lectures where relevant. A central emphasis in this course is on case-based “experiential” learning. Course Requirements The class will be divided into groups of 4-5 students each based on available student enrollment – instructor will assign students to groups on the first day of class. In general, each student/group of students will be responsible for the following: 1. INDIVIDUAL TASK – Case Fact Sheets & Spreadsheets: Each student will prepare and submit 5 case fact sheets (one for each case) during the semester. A case fact sheet is a descriptive summary (in the student’s own words) that includes available and relevant information regarding the involved industry, firm(s), competitors, product(s), problem(s) faced by the firm in the case, and pertinent issues that have to be considered (problems facing the firm/decisions the firm has to make). There is a handout titled “Note on Case Factsheets” under the module, “Syllabus and Stuff” available through your course d2l site that provides details of the elements to be included in a case fact sheet. The facts in a case can be presented as bullet points. Students should attempt to include, amongst other information mentioned above, any marketing related facts that they deem relevant. This individual assignment will familiarize the student with a given case, and prepare students for within-group discussions, etc. A student will generally be able to complete a fact sheet in approximately two single-spaced pages. Note that there is no specific length requirement for this assignment, some students may utilize more space to summarize the case and identified issues. 2/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 Spreadsheets for some cases: These are likely to be spreadsheet oriented and involve a range of marketing management analyses such as budgeting, forecasting, profitability analysis and advertising effectiveness etc. You can use them for case discussions or as otherwise appropriate. NOTE 1: For every case, you should state your understanding of the value proposition of the relevant product/service in question. NOTE 2: Late submissions will be graded for a maximum of 50% of the total available points. NOTE 3: For every assignment, you can only make one submission with one file. 2. INDIVIDUAL TASK – Quizzes: Students will be required to take a total of 6 quizzes. Questions will be based on text chapter(s) assigned for a given class day. On average, these quizzes will consist of 10 multiple choice questions. The purpose of these quizzes is to encourage students to read relevant chapters in the textbook and thereby enhance their understanding of marketing and marketing management concepts. Cases that are discussed, presented, analyzed, etc., then, provide opportunities to apply those concepts. 3. GROUP TASK – Within-class discussions: The instructor will provide discussion topics against each case in class. Students will discuss (within their own groups) and then present a common summary of the results of such discussion including mention of any differing viewpoints. 4. GROUP TASK – Case Questions Assignment: For select cases, the instructor will post case related questions that each group has to respond to collectively. The instructor may provide, on a case-by-case basis, information that may assist groups in responding to such questions. Each group will submit one set of answers to the questions (information on deadlines provided later in the syllabus; available under each module). 5. GROUP TASK: Each group will be required to submit a comprehensive written case analysis report. The content of such a case report would include, at a minimum: (a) the background, and facts of the case, (b) the various marketing problems/issues/decision variables etc. involved, (c) relevant analyses and various alternative solutions available, (d) pros and cons of available alternatives and solutions/decisions for the identified issues along with rationale for your choice(s), and (e) contingency plans. The Student Guide to Case Method, available through your course case pack, will provide guidance regarding how a case should be analyzed. This report is due on the last day of class. 6. INDIVIDUAL TASK – Reflection Report: Each student will prepare a reflection report. To prepare this report, a student should take notes about how content from (a) text and cases, (b) case discussions/presentations, and any other interaction the student deems relevant that could apply to that student’s professional (and personal life). This activity should be undertaken throughout the 3/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 semester. By its very nature, this report is subjective. Some themes that a student might find relevant are: decision making styles and problem-solving dynamics, implementation of information gleaned from the course, group and individual communication dynamics, etc. There is no page limit for this assignment. This report is due on the last day of class. Note: The instructor will provide drop boxes for submissions of various assignments. Academic Integrity/Professional Behavior Students are expected to follow the guidelines listed in the St. Cloud State University Student Handbook as they relate to academic integrity and honesty. For the purposes of this course, academic misconduct is any act by a student that misrepresents the student’s own academic work or that compromises the academic work of another. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating on assignments and tests; plagiarizing (that is, misrepresenting as one’s own work any work done by another); submitting the same paper or substantially similar paper, joint or group effort on individual assignments; submitting work completed by, or substantially borrowing from, the work of students in a previous term; or sabotaging another’s work. Any student found to have engaged in academic misconduct will automatically fail the course and be referred to the appropriate office for further disciplinary action. Students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor for course related questions during office hours as stated in the syllabus. Any communication, oral or written, should follow professional protocols that would be appropriate in a business setting. In addition, it is assumed that students will conduct themselves in a professional manner. Bigoted, or otherwise prejudicial attitudes, statements and behavior, and the like, will not be tolerated. Such and similar actions will be viewed as grounds for dismissal from class. Accommodations Statement SCSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. We are committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity and work to provide reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Accommodations are provided on an individualized, as needed basis, determined through appropriate documentation of need. Please contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS), or 320-308-4080, Centennial Hall 202, to meet and discuss reasonable and appropriate accommodations. Grading Policies Your grade for this course will be weighted in the following manner: 4/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 Percentage Fact Sheets (Individual) Quizzes (Individual) Class Discussions/Participation (Group) Answers to Case Questions (Group) Reflection Report Case Analysis (Group) 25% 25% 10% 10% 10% 20% 100% Grades for this course will be assigned on the following scale: 97-100 = A+ 93-96.99 =A, 90-92.99=A-, 87-89.99=B+, 83-86.99=B, 80-82.99=B-, 77-79.99=C+, 73-76.99=C, 70-72.99=C-, 67-69.99=D+, 63-66.99=D, 60-62.99=D-, less than 60=F. Tentative Schedule: Week 1: 3/13/24 Introduction to the course, Syllabus; Group formation; Chapter 1, 2, 3 (Discussion/Lecture of selected topics) Case 1: Cepuros Foods Malaysia: Finding the Secret Sauce for Growth Week 2: 3/20/24 Quiz 1 (Chapter 4, 5, 6); Fact Sheet Due for Case 2 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics; Complete discussion of Case 1; Case 2: Blue Apron: Turning Around the Struggling Meal Kit Market Leader Week 3: 3/27/24 Quiz 2 (Chapter 7, 8); Fact Sheet Due for Case 3 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics; Complete discussion of Case 2; Case 3: Mountain Man Brewing … Week 4: 4/3/24 Quiz 3 (Chapter 9, 10); Fact Sheet Due for Case 4 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics; Complete discussion of Case 3; Case 4: Waymo LLC 5/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 Week 5: 4/10/24 Quiz 4 (Chapter 11); Fact Sheet Due for Case 5 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics; Complete discussion of Case 4; Case 5: AnswerDash Week 6: 4/17/24 Quiz 5 (Chapter 14, 15, 16); Fact Sheet Due for Case 6 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics; Complete discussion of Case 5; Case 6: BBVA Compass Week 7: 4/24/24 Discussion/Lecture on selected topics (Chapter 18); Case 7: Yum! China Reflection Report Due Case Analysis Report Due 6/7 4/24/24, 4:31 PM MBA618Spring2024 7/7

MBA 618 – Marketing Strategy and Management (Self-reflection report)

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