M7 cases from the field

This assignment asks that you find an article that reflects an area of social justice that demonstrates a situation in which an individual, group, or community’s rights have been impinged upon by a group of individuals, a system of power, or an unjust law that perpetuates marginalization. Use terminology from this module to describe the specific area of bias and or exclusion.

Use any of the readings in this module or other readings to support your thesis and discuss how you, as a social worker, might envision yourself as an advocate for either the institution or the client. Choose one side or the other and describe for you what the ethical dilemma might be if you were representing either side of this circumstance.

Attach a link to the article you selected.

  1. Present the situation/case as it appears in the article.
  2. Present your position and from which side you are advocating.
  3. What are the social work values? What are the moral and ethical principles involved?
  4. How do you prioritize your obligations? (prima facie duties?)
  5. What theoretical framework might be most applicable?
  6. What are the moral traces that you reflect upon having chosen your position of advocacy?

M7 cases from the field

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