Lmu Switching To Pilates speech

Mielle Mann USC Public Speaking 4/9/24 Switching To Pilates I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: A life filled with increased flexibility, strength, and overall well-being. Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? What if I told you that achieving this lifestyle can be in your reality? B. Speaker Credibility: As someone who has personally experienced the transformative power of Pilates, I stand before you not just as an advocate but as living proof of its benefits. Through rigorous training and dedication, I’ve witnessed firsthand the positive impact Pilates can have on one’s physical and mental health. C. Thesis Statement: Today, I urge you to consider making the switch to Pilates, a practice that not only addresses common physical conditions but also fosters holistic well-being. D. Preview Statements: First, we will explore the daily problems affecting individuals and how they are negatively impacted. Second, we will delve into how Pilates can offer solutions to these problems. Third, we will address the gender stigma surrounding Pilates. And finally, we will envision a world where Pilates is embraced and its benefits are widespread. II. Body – Problem: How individuals are negatively impacted a. Claim: In today’s sedentary world, many suffer from poor posture, muscle imbalances, and reduced mobility. b. Grounds: In an article by Dr. Elan Goldwaser in Health Matters New York Presbyterian in 2022, the author writes, “As sitting all day becomes more accepted, we decondition ourselves, and when we’re deconditioned, we end up increasing our risk for injury.” Dr. Goldwaser delves deeper into how posture is the source of it all. He continues to state, “The neck gets tense and tight because we’re straining… It puts a strain on our trapezius muscle, which connects to the shoulder and the upper back to hold the neck up in place. Over time that becomes tender, painful, and tight. We begin to develop those classic ‘knots.”’ And at the end of this process, after sitting all day, we continue to complain about how much our bodies ache, with the main cause being our posture. c. Speaker’s Idea: By neglecting our bodies’ need for movement, we inadvertently harm our physical well-being. Transition Statement: Now that we understand the detrimental effects of a sedentary lifestyle, let’s explore how Pilates offers a solution. – Satisfaction: Pilates as a solution a. Claim: Some of you may not even know what pilates is. Well here are some images to help you envision the intense workout. Pilates strengthens core muscles, improves posture, and enhances flexibility. b. Grounds: In an article by Tamara Jones in the Pilates Circuit in 2024, she writes, “ Pilates effectively improves spinal alignment by engaging the deep core muscles that support and stabilize the spine. Pilates exercises target the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions, correcting imbalances caused by poor posture.” c. Grounds: The Pilates Method is a low-impact exercise that offers strength training and flexibility. In an article by Tamara Newell in ProHealth’s Studio Blog in 2023, Newell compares traditional weight training to Pilates. “In traditional weight training, flexibility training is often done after strength training and many people skip it altogether. Building strength without flexibility can lead to an imbalance in muscle building and injury… Pilates makes you more flexible because every exercise incorporates stretching throughout the workout.” When you use your mind-body connection consistently, you can feel each muscle working to improve at every step.” d. Speaker’s Idea: By incorporating Pilates into our routine, we actively counteract the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle. Transition Statement: Now that we understand how Pilates addresses these issues, let’s address the stigma, particularly among men, surrounding Pilates. – Stigma a. Claim: There exists a prevalent misconception that Pilates is primarily for women, leading to reluctance among men to engage in this form of exercise. b. Grounds: Society often associates Pilates with graceful movements and flexibility, which may not align with traditional masculine ideals of strength and power. This misconception contributes to the stigma surrounding men practicing Pilates. c. Grounds: In an article by Andrea Lucas in All Active Pilates And Physio in 2022, the history of pilates is expanded on. The author writes, “The origins of Pilates are actually rooted in a tale of survival and endurance and invented – by a MAN! Pilates was designed and developed by Joseph Pilates, a German self-defense instructor, body-builder, martial artist and professional boxer! His exercise regime stemmed from his admiration of how starving cats are still able to catch prey and are so flexible and springy. He put it down to their stretching so he devised a series of exercises that stretched and strengthened the muscles – a system he initially called Contrology.” d. Grounds: If you men are not convinced to even try pilates yet, here’s a clip that may change your perspective in a matter of seconds. In an article by Rebecca Harding in Hone Health in 2024, Harding discusses the secret to the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl win. She writes, “In a TikTok video posted by ESPN, Chiefs players complete a reformer and Cadillac Pilates workout… the main goal of the workout is to strengthen the mind-body connection. But it can also boost coordination and balance on the field and support rehabilitation after an injury (1). Repeated tackles and sacks put NFL athletes at high risk for injury. Pilates improves muscle imbalances, promoting symmetry and balance and reducing the likelihood of getting hurt on the green.” Along with injury prevention, continuously, flexibility helps with quick movement on the field. “Pilates is hard work. Take it from the Chief’s players, who are visibly out of breath, sweating, and gritting their teeth through each set.” e. Speaker’s Idea: It’s essential to debunk these misconceptions and highlight the numerous benefits Pilates offers to individuals of all genders, including improved strength, flexibility, and injury prevention. Transition Statement: Now that we’ve addressed the stigma surrounding men and Pilates, let’s envision a world where its benefits are embraced by all. – Visualization: A World of Pilates a. Claim: Imagine a global movement to embrace Pilates as a basic pillar of holistic well-being, with people of all backgrounds easily integrating this innovative practice into their daily lives. b. Counterargument: However, critics may claim that universal acceptance of pilates is unlikely due to existing socioeconomic inequities. Despite efforts to make Pilates more accessible, financial limitations and geographic constraints remain significant challenges for many individuals. In communities where services are lacking, affordable pilates options may be scarce, worsening gaps in access to fitness and wellness resources. Therefore, while the image of a world embracing pilates is appealing, addressing these systemic challenges is critical to ensure fair access and participation for everyone. c. Grounds: Though, in this ideal world, Pilates studios can thrive as lively community hubs, providing a wide range of programs and resources adapted to each individual’s needs and tastes. Furthermore, with the wide range of online resources, such as video tutorials and mobile apps, there are easy and cost-effective ways to practice Pilates in the comfort of your own home. The author of a post published by the Montana Method in 2023 discusses the benefits of taking online pilates classes. The author discusses how online classes are more convenient because you don’t have to go to a studio, making it simpler to fit into a schedule, you’re more comfortable at home, and online classes are less expensive. d. Speaker’s Idea: Considering these options, people can overcome financial and time management problems and incorporate Pilates into their daily regimen to enhance their overall well-being without breaking the bank. Transition Statement: Now that we’ve explored the potential benefits of incorporating the Pilates regimen into everyone’s lives, let’s delve into practical steps to make this integration a reality. – Action: Steps to Integrate Pilates Into Your Life a. Claim: Kickstart your Pilates journey by exploring diverse resources, ranging from local classes to online tutorials or mobile apps, to find out the format that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. b. Grounds: Pilates can be adapted to various settings and time constraints, making it accessible for individuals with busy schedules or limited access to studios. c. Speaker’s Idea: By embracing the fluidity of Pilates and integrating it into your daily routine, you lay the foundation for a sustainable commitment to your health and well-being. Whether it’s incorporating a morning Pilates session, squeezing in a workout during breaks, or unwinding with Pilates in the evenings, the consistency of practice enables you to gradually unlock its multiple benefits, creating not just physical but also mental clarity. – Conclusion a. Review Statement: Today, we’ve discussed the negatives of sedentary living, discovered the transformative power of Pilates, and championed the gender stigma on Pilates. b. Thematic Statement Reminder: Pilates isn’t just about exercise; it’s a revolution of the body and mind, creating ideal forms and exercise and fostering a community of resilience. c. Attention Getter Reminder: Now, as we conclude, let’s not just talk about the benefits of Pilates, but let’s commit to taking action. Let’s stand up, stretch our bodies, and embrace the opportunity Pilates offers to improve our physical well being. Together, let’s continue to push for our own health, one Pilates session at a time. And who knows? With Pilates in your playbook, you might just find yourself dodging tackles like a Superbowl champion! Thank you. Works Cited “Boutique Studios Draining Your Wallet? Try These Online Pilates Classes Instead.” Mindbodygreen RSS, 2023, www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/best-online-pilates-class. Goldwaser , Elan. “The Dangers of Too Much Sitting and How It Harms the Body.” NewYork-Presbyterian, 15 Feb. 2022, healthmatters.nyp.org/is-too-much-sitting-harming-your-body/. Harding, Rebekah. “The Secret to Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl Win? Pilates.” Hone Health, 12 Feb. 2024, honehealth.com/edge/fitness/kansas-city-chiefs-superbowl-pilates/#:~:text=But%20this%2 0year’s%20Super%20Bowl,workout%20with%20trainer%20Kahley%20Schiller. Jones, Tamara. “Is Pilates Good for Posture? (5 Ways Pilates Improves Posture).” The Pilates Circuit, The Pilates Circuit, 21 Feb. 2024, www.thepilatescircuit.com/blog/is-pilates-good-for-posture. Lucas, Andrea. “10 Reasons Why Pilates Is so Beneficial for Men.” All Active Pilates, All Active Pilates, 4 Aug. 2023, www.allactivepilatesandphysio.co.uk/post/10-reasons-why-pilates-is-so-beneficial-for-men Newell, Tamara. “Pilates Myth 3: Pilates Requires Flexibility.” ProHealth Physical Therapy & Pilates Studio , 7 Feb. 2024, prohealthga.com/pilates-myth-3-pilates-requires-flexibility/. .

Lmu Switching To Pilates speech

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