Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Course Competency
Explain the process of policy-making in healthcare delivery.
Transferable Skill
Communication – Displaying capability in writing, reading, and oral communication; understanding of non‐verbal language.
Your nursing leader has asked you to provide her with information regarding the legislation on California’s nursing union-negotiated staffing ratios. You will prepare a policy briefing document that details the process and outcome associated with this piece of legislation. Your nursing leader will use this briefing document to guide her decision on whether this is a good policy to support in your state.
Prepare a policy briefing document that:
Part One – Process of Legislation
Explain the critical concern(s) that prompted this legislation, who proposed the issue, as well as who drafted and sponsored this legislation.
Describes how long the process took and the steps taken from the initial idea to legislation implementation as well as the critical elements of the legislation that was passed.
Part Two – Outcome of Legislation
Answers the following questions:
Does the research support that mandated ratios improved nurse turnover rates?
Does the research support that mandated ratios improved patient outcomes?
Discuss recommendations on whether your nursing leader should support working with other nurse leaders on similar legislation.
Examine at least two pros and two cons for your recommendation based on research.
Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the policy briefing document.
Exemplary explanation of the critical concern(s) that prompted this legislation, who proposed the issue, as well as who drafted and sponsored this legislation with comprehensive supporting details.
Exemplary description of how long the process took the steps taken from the initial idea to legislation implementation and the critical elements of the legislation that was passed with comprehensive supporting details.
Thoroughly answer the questions regarding whether research supports improved nurse turnover rates and patient outcomes with comprehensive supporting detail.
Exemplary description of recommendations on whether your nursing leader should support working with other nurse leaders on similar legislation with comprehensive supporting details.
Exemplary explanation of at least two prons and two cons for your recommendation based on research with comprehensive supporting details.
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