In the Week 14 Module Discussion page please contribute a response to the film you have viewed this week, making connections to the lecture content and key concepts, along with reflexive observations on what you have viewed and its socio-cultural relevance.
Key concepts: Sensory and emotional entry into the world
Established over several decades, anthropological scholarship on the senses has been built around the study of phenomenology (perception), the body and embodiment, emotions and affect, religion, migration, transnationalism, food and foodways, visual anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. It may be argued that each culture should be approached on its own sensory terms, as the senses are not universal, nor are they experienced and interpreted the same across cultures and populations. We each have a sensory bias, which makes the study of senses particularly challenging. The senses interact with each other first, before they give us access to the world, hence, the first step, the indispensable starting point, is to discover what sorts of relations between the senses a culture considers proper. Only then can we open the Pandora’s box of the links between the senses and emotion.
FILM: The Sound of Metal – Directed by Darius Marder (2019)
The Sound of Metal is available through Swank:
Key concepts: Sensory and emotional entry into the world
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