Task: Developing a Journalism Story on Voice of the Caribbean Customer: Highlighting the importance of understanding and valuing customer feedback, with tips on how to effectively gather and analyze feedback
Local Success Stories: CX Edition: Profiling local businesses that have excelled in delivering outstanding customer experiences, and exploring the strategies they implemented.
The assignment is to develop a detailed journalism story that will be presented as a Vice or Wall Street Journal YouTube style video piece.
The topic is Voice of the Caribbean Customer: Highlighting the importance of understanding and valuing customer feedback, with tips on how to effectively gather and analyze feedback.
&Local Success Stories: CX Edition: Profiling local businesses that have excelled in delivering outstanding customer experiences, and exploring the strategies they implemented.
Here are the steps to follow:
assignment 1. Always remember Customer service is a subset of the overall customer experience. Begin by conducting thorough research to understand what customer service is and what it is not. Also, study what customer experience is and what it is not. fOLLOW THE TOPICS TO THE LETTER
assignment 2. Look at industries wherein customer service and customer experience are predominant, such as hospitality/hotel, or industries where either one is more prominent, such as online stores, traditional stores, and restaurants. Also, examine local corporate companies and businesses such as WAPA, VIYA, Tempo, HOT ONES USVI Liberty USVI, T-Mobile, The Market Stx, and USVI GOVERNMENT St. Thomas Westin.
3. After completing the research, draft a concept for the story. You may consider interviewing people on the street to get their perspective on customer service. leave those spaces blank if you can’t find anything social media can be used to get quotes as well
4. Draft your journalism edited and revised concept story and screen script for your Vice or Wall Street Journal YouTube style video piece. Use professional citations for a journalism piece and try to make the writing or tone close to the style of the videos mentioned in the assignment. Leave spaces to add quotes or interviews with people if needed
I will need
2 drafted concepts for the stories, edited it grammatically, and made it ready for publishing.
Interview questions for potential guest speakers, as well as inquiries for street interviews to gather perspectives on customer service, are essential. If certain information is unavailable, it is acceptable to leave spaces blank. Additionally, social media can serve as a resource for obtaining quotes.
2 Drafted your journalism-edited and revised concept story and screen script for your Vice/Wall Street Journal YouTube-style video piece. Use professional citations for a journalism piece and try to make the writing or tone close to the style of the videos mentioned in the assignment. Leave spaces to add quotes or interviews with people if needed.
Here are some video examples to help develop the script portion of the assignment:
for assignment 2 Local Success Stories: CX Edition: Profiling local businesses that have excelled in delivering outstanding customer experiences, and exploring the strategies they implemented.
Local Success Stories: CX Edition: Profiling local businesses
owner of KB MoneyHouse & SeNé’s Hair Studio
Alexia A. Adams
Apollo Legion Pollo Goodings
DPMNM-Felix London
Miss Naturalista St. Croix
rugged youth
upper class
laced legacy
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