Information Technology Question

6 copies

This session’s discussion topic will be somewhat open-ended.

For your initial post in this discussion:

I would like for you to pick a topic related to databases or SQL that you find interesting and share one or more articles relating to that topic. Please provide short summaries of those articles, along with your thoughts.

To help get you started, I have provided links to a few websites that publish articles relating to databases. You do not have to use articles from these sites, but if you don’t have a topic in mind, these sites would be a good place to start looking for a topic.

Respond to at least two of your peers.

Your responses should encourage a thought-provoking discussion. This means asking questions, providing further elaboration, including additional resources, and/or agreeing/disagreeing with strong reasoning. Be sure to respond first to a classmate that does not yet have a response from anyone else. Try to respond with at least 150 words or more.

Note: If you are referencing the ideas of others and/or quoting text verbatim, you must include the author’s last name, year of publication, and page numbers. If you are referencing an internet source, you must include the URL at the bottom of your posting.

Information Technology Question

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