Industry specific opportunity.
For this assignment, you will be using your ORG575 Research Proposal as a draft for Sections I, II, III to build your Capstone Project. Please review the instructions for your Module 7: Capstone Project paper for a complete outline. With this option, you will also complete Option # 2 for all remaining CT and Capstone assignments.
Your paper must include:
- Section I: Organization/Industry Opportunity
- Section II: Problem or Opportunity Background
- Section III: Investigative Steps
Your well-written sections must be 8-10 pages total in length, in addition to title, table of contents, and reference pages. The paper should be formatted according to the outline provided above. The also offers additional writing support. You must cite at least six scholarly (journal articles from the CSU Global library) references, and at a minimum, four references must be scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.
Industry specific opportunity.
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