In your textbook, you reviewed what impact more current history has had on human services.

In your textbook, you reviewed what impact more current history has had on human services. Current events and news stories can shed a lot of light on the trends impacting human services agencies. Locate two different newspaper or journal articles on the same issue, published within the last year. To locate articles through the SNHU Shapiro Library, use the Multi-Search option on the Shapiro Library homepage under the “Find books, articles, and more:” heading. And follow these steps:


Type a search phrase into the search box and click Search.

Refine search to items with “full text online.”

Refine search to desired content type.

Fill in the Publication Date fields to limit your search to articles published within the last year.

Post a summary of the issue and information from both articles that best describe the issue. Explain how the issue impacts the work of human services agencies.


In your responses to your peers’ posts, consider the issue they addressed. How are the issues they mention challenging your community or the community in which you hope to work? If your community has yet to experience these issues, reflect on why that might be so.


To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.Discussion Rubric




Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)


Needs Improvement (55%)


Not Evident (0%)






Develops an initial post addressing the prompt, and the post shows an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail; supports ideas by referencing course materials

In your textbook, you reviewed what impact more current history has had on human services.

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