In Java, arrays and ArrayList are fundamental tools used to store and manipulate a set of elements.

In Java, arrays and ArrayList are fundamental tools used to store and manipulate a set of elements. They are closely related are very different in usage and performance.


This discussion topic is also a follow up exercise of Module 2’s discussion topic.


Please do the following:


Create an GitHub account if you have not.

In your own words, describe the functions of Array and Array Lists in Java, and then explain their conceptual differences. This should be the main body of your post.

Design one new project called Difference-Arrays-ArrayLists (in your IDE), design and add java codes in this project to demonstrate these differences. Add comments in your source code to demonstrate the differences between array and ArrayList.

Compile and run your example program, correct any syntax or logic errors.

Once the program runs successfully, add this project to a new repository in your GitHub account.

Include all contents from step 2 in the file in your repository.

Share your repository and include the URL to your repository in the discussion posting.

In Java, arrays and ArrayList are fundamental tools used to store and manipulate a set of elements.

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